My "co-worker" and I taking a break in the park

Stop Wasting Time On The Tech

- Let Us Handle It Instead

I've been in business for myself for over 20 years - online full time for over ten - and the biggest challenge I see time and time again that holds people back is isn't their business ideas, it's learning how all the tech works so that you can sell your ideas!

Experience The Difference With My Zero To Hero Business

- Your Business Growth Partner

Let's face it. If someone had told me when I first started trying to put my business online that I'd have to put everything I'd been learning for the previous 20 years on hold so I could master 15 other jobs just so I could put my business online - I probably wouldn't have even started!

And I know I'm not alone. I see coaches and trainers struggling with it every single day.

We get so bogged down with the challenges of making the tech work, that we don't have time to focus on what really matters... promoting our products and services!

We waste thousands on software that we think we'll need but never use, we pay people to do jobs only to be let down, and we cling to the hope that this time it'll all work out.

Believe me, I know how it feels, I've been exactly where you are... many times!

Elevate Your Coaching Business With The Essential Support You Need

When it came down to it, all I really wanted was to be able to leave all that tedious nonsense to someone who was capable, reliable, and most importantly of all, took the time to understand my business so that I didn't have to keep explaining myself or micro-managing the process.

But that's not how it usually works, is it?

Usually, our project is one of many on a huge list that the people we pay to do jobs eventually get around to. That often leads to the job being rushed or worse, simply not done, regardless of your pressing need for it!

That's why I do things differently. Nothing stresses me out more than having to split my attention between jobs. I'm an all-or-nothing kind of gal! I'm either all in, or I don't get involved.

Of course, that means I don't have as many clients, but that works well for me - and you too!

It means that you get someone who has the time to spend getting to know you and your business, which not only frees you from the details of the task but also gives you a fresh set of eyes on whatever you're working on.

I've been building my own websites and running my own tech for over a decade, after a so-called friend held a website he'd been building hostage for £30,000! Plus, I bring all my experience as a coach, business developer, and valued team member in multi-million dollar companies to the party so that you have a solid sounding board that you can lean on when it all gets a bit much!

I'm the support partner you can truly trust to just get on with making your business function properly and look great in today's world so that you have the freedom to do what you do best.

Nothing gives me greater satisfaction that watching my clients succeed, so if you're ready for that, then get in touch. I'd love to support you on this incredible journey!

Oh, and in case you were wondering... "My Zero To Hero Business" is the support partner arm of my "Kick-Ass Personal Trainers" business... and any time I refer to "we" or "us", I mean me and my rescue dog, Belle! 🤣

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